First Wednesday report for the 2018-19 season.... We were 29 players in pleasant Almerimar weather in sunshine, pleasant breeze and 25 degrees playing the blue and white courses. Here are the best results:
Geraldine 39 p, Marianne 32 p, Michelle 30 p and Maria G 27 p.
Money-back-guarantee to Trini and Elaine had a beautiful birdie on hole 8!!
Robbie Mac 41 p, Pepe D 35 p, Mark C 34 p, Ivan 34 p and Gerrard 33 p.
Money-back-guarantee to Lars-Åke K.
Drinks and tapas as usual in the club house.
Next we play 12,40 again and the list will be up in the club house and you are all very welcome.
Marianne and Sune