We had a very stormy day with winds up to 14 meters/second. We were in the end 38 players taking part and only 8 ladies played all 18 holes. We therefore had 3 categories: Gentlemen 9 holes, ladies 9 holes and ladies 18 holes and here are the best results:
Ladies 9 holes
Gerardine 17p, Louise 16p and Joan 14p.
Ladies 18 holes
Maria H 36p, Sissi 34p, Marianne L 32p and Mari-Anne P 30p
Sissi had a birdie on hole 2 blue course.
Gentlemen 9 holes
Rolf 18p, Heinz 17p, Adrian and Olli 16p, Sune, Gerard and Pepe 15p.
Money-back-guarantee: Ivan
Next week we play 12.40 again and the list is up in the reception. You are all very welcome!!
Marianne and Sune