On a sunny, wind free day 28 players took part in a 3-2-1 reverse waltz competition. The course was very long as the tees were already placed for a Federation competition the next day and the greens were as challenging as ever.
In first place with a very good score of 82 points was the team of Louise, Maggis, Bill P and Jonny Mac. Second with 81 points were Sune, Yvonne R, Rosemary and Bill E third with 72 points and lower team handicap were Steve, Joan,
Sylvia and John Wit and fourth also with 72 points were Paul Mi, Thomas R, Kristina and Dot.
Nearest to the pin for Ladies was won by Ingrid and for the Gents by Bob.
Drinks and tapas and prize giving were in the clubhouse garden.
Next week’s competition will also be on Friday and the organiser is Lennart.