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Friday 17 February 2023

On a grey day only 21 players turned up, instead of 22, and set off with the intention of playing 18 holes but sadly the wind got worse and the rain set in. It was very quickly decided that we would only play 9 holes. As 3 teams started their rounds on the White Course and 3 teams on the Blue Course it became apparent that we would be playing 2 separate competitions instead of 1. A new format was introduced, best, 1, 2 or 3 scores to count. Teams only discovered how many scores would count when they arrived at the next tee box where there was a card giving them the information. How many scores counted on holes 9 were kept secret until the cards had all been handed in for checking.

We retired to the Galley for the presentation, drinks and tapas where we were well looked after by the staff

I would like to thank Steve, Bob and Hans for their assistance on the day, checking scorecards, and collecting everything from the tee boxes in the rain!

The organisers for Friday 24th February are Thomas and Maria.


© 2022 created by Ro

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