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Monday 14 February 2022

A very windy but sunny day saw 17 of today's players with 30 points or more. Best of the day was Colin H with 38 point, Mike Gr 37 points, Roisin 34 points, Steve, Rosemary and Kristina 33 points.

However, after the surprise draw the results changed slightly: 1st was Steve as he was drawn with Derek K, 2nd was Roisin and she was drawn with Thomas R, 3rd was Rosemary as she was drawn with Maria H, 4th was Colin as he was drawn with Paul Mi, 5th was Mike as he was drawn with Jörgen J and 6th was Kristina as she was drawn with Mick H.

As it was Valentines Day the prizes were cava and chocolates instead of the usual Golf Club vouchers.

Next week we on the Red & Blue courses starting at 12.32.

© 2022 created by Ro

© 2023 created by Ro

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