Another warm day saw just over half the field with 30 points on more.
Best of the day was Barry J with a great 40 points and a handicap cut, followed by Michelle 38 points who has just returned to Almerimar, Louise also recently returned had 37 points and then Dan and Thomas both with 35 points but Dan made it into the prizes as he had the better back nine.
After the surprise draw - there were no surprises!! Barry remained in 1st place as he was joined by Bert, Michelle 2nd she was joined by Steve, Louise 3rd as she was joined by Marianne, one of her playing partners and finally Dan who was joined by Maria Gy.
Nearest the pin was John Fl with a shot of 1m 20cm and he made his birdie.
Next week we are all on the White & Red courses starting at 12.40.