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Saturday 5 February 2022

A cloudy but wind free day saw 38 players take part in a team competition, with the best

two scores on each hole to count, The scores on the even holes on the common white

course were doubled. Those teams best able to exploit this doubling of score came out on


In first place were the team of Sune, Mike G, Roisin and Cynthia with 124 points.

Second with one point less were John Fl, Ingrid, Lennart and Rosemary. In third place with

118 points and the better score on the common white course were the team of Steve,

Joan, Andre and Maria H and in fourth place with the same score were Rudolph, Anita,

Ritva and Sylvia.

Drinks and prize giving were in the garden of the clubhouse.

Next week is the Ladies Invitation.


© 2022 created by Ro

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